Michele Koons


“It’s not an easy thing to have it all. But you have to follow your gut. If you want it, you can do it.”

Career Highlights
  • Curator for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
  • Represents a new generation of STEM-oriented archaeologists who are merging traditional methods with cutting-edge technology
  • Uses high-tech inventions like drones and ground-penetrating radar to make 3D maps of sites to uncover secrets of past civilizations
  • Has always had an appetite for exotic travel to explore people, culture and history

STEM Gems Club

Is a career in Archaeology in your future? Have you ever considered it? STEM Gem Michele Koons uses high-tech inventions like drones and ground-penetrating radar to uncover secrets of past civilizations. Read her story and digest. Watch one of her online videos. Then, with your STEM Gems Tribe, discuss, explore, reflect, and act.
